Mgr. Jindřich Šimberský - Leading Lawyer
CBA registration number: 4949.
He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in 1996 and has been a lawyer since 1999. Prior to the founding of the Šimberský Law firm, he practiced as a lawyer at the Rychetský Hlaváček Šimberský Law firm, and before that he worked as a consultant at the Office of the President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel.
He specializes in matters of obligations, property rights, restitution of property, constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms with extension into procedural law. He represents clients in the supreme courts of the country with frequent success.
He successfully led the realization of one of the largest one-off privatizations of the housing stock in the Czech Republic (Prague 11). He provides advice to public entities and private business companies. Thanks to his years of experience, he is able to examine the assignment from a complex point of view and find uncommon solutions to the problem.
His articles are periodically published in professional journal Verlag Dagshofer.

Mgr. Radka Zátková - lawyer
CBA registration number: 16743.
She graduated at the Faculty of Law at Palacký University Olomouc.
She specializes in matters of procurement; she provides legal services to contracting authorities and suppliers. Besides the related legal fields (contract law, subsidy agenda, etc.), she provides legal services in enforcement of claims for damages and non-pecuniary damages, she also deals with family law.
She has experience in complex administration of tendering procedures, representation of contractor authorities before Office for the Protection of Competition or representation of suppliers regarding the application of objections against tender documentations.

Mgr. Marek Vařbuchta - lawyer
CBA registration number: 17815.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law at Charles University.
He focuses on the contractual relations in the private and public sector, including public procurement law, with a specialization in the sector of waterworks engineering. He also provides legal services in the area of personal data protection, insolvency and enforcement law.
He has participated in the provision of legal services to a foreign company in the exploration and use of oil and gas deposits in the Czech Republic, provided legal services to the waterworks engineering company in the complex settlement of proprietary and operational relations, and participates in the implementation of GDPR legal audits.

Ing. Vladislava Soldatová - office manager
Michaela Tomečková - legal assistant